Friday, March 28, 2008

Coping with Acne - Retreating

My last resort of coping with acne was to retreat. I just simply decided that I didn't want to be around people. Kids made fun of me. I was convinced that until my skin cleared up, no boy was going to like me. And I really wanted to be liked. I wanted the attention that the other girls without acne seemed to get. I wanted to feel and look pretty. I wanted to fit in and be accepted.

Instead, I felt like a misfit. I felt like I didn't belong. So I retreated. Every now and then, I'd meet a friend along the way who would accept me just as I was. Most of those kids were labelled misfits too. So like essentially every high school in the world, you had your cool crowd, your nerd crowd, your athletic crowd, your rebellious crowd, and your loners.

At first, I was a loner. I retreated. I became an introvert. I stayed in my room a lot. I did things like write which helped me retreat and stay introverted. But like I said earlier, I was simply too tall to "hide." So retreating as a way to cope with acne didn't work either.

But retreating ain't so bad. I decided to write. I wrote in my journal a lot. I wrote poetry and songs to would-be boy friends. I read a lot! Guess retreating and reading paid off, I'm a songwriter and an attorney now. So retreating ain't so bad after all.

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