Saturday, March 29, 2008

Coping with acne - Make up

I hated having acne. I needed some coping skills, tips and/or methods on how to deal with my acne and with kids' reactions to my having acne.

My first coping method wasn't an option: that is, wearing makeup to hide the acne. I remember wanting to wear make up at an early age. I don't know if that was because I just wanted to look older, because I wanted to look like my mom or the women on the TV, or because I wanted to hide my acne. All of those reasons to me were good enough reasons to wear make up but my mom thought otherwise. (:-)

My mom was trying to protect me from looking older than my age. She didn't want me dependent on makeup. She wanted people to recognize me when my make up was off. Now quite frankly I didn't think any of those reasons were good enough but my mom thought otherwise. (:-)

So my mom limited me as a young teenager to just wearing lip gloss. I was not allowed to wear other makeup products until I turned 16. Boy, was I glad when I turned 16!

When I did start wearing foundation, it was still difficult for me to find a foundation that matched my skin complexion. Plus, the makeup only covered up the scarring. It did not, and could not, hide the bumps. While makeup helped some, it was not the best coping method I could use to relieve the anxieties of having acne. My mom was right: I did become dependent on makeup. But if you keep reading: you will see why that dependency actually fueled more problems.

Thedy B

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